Lijiao Ren

Lijiao Ren, Postdoc Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
Chemistry Department

Office Location

Chem 3242B


Charge transport in biofilm.


I graduated from Harbin Institue of Technolgy, China, in 2008, with a B.S. in Environmental Science and Engineering. I finished my M.S. in Environmental Engineering from the same university in 2010. I obtained my Ph.D. degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 2014. My graduate research focused on the examination and application of bioelectrochemical systems with different configurations,advised under Professor Bruce E. Logan. I joined Professor Nguyen's research group in September 2016.


Characterization of morphological and electrical properties of conductive Geobacter biofilms; Investigation of the charge transport mechasims in  biofilms.