Graduated April 2014
Bazan Research Group Center for Polymers & Organic Solids 2520A Physical Sciences Building North University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5090
Phone/Fax Tel: 805-893-5270 Fax: 805-893-3803
Bazan Labs: PSBN 2608, 2624; Chem 2102, 2104, 2106, 2108, 3116
CPOS Shared Facilities: Chem 3138, 3142, 3150
Applications by email will not be considered. Please submit your CV and research summary by mail to:
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 9510 University of California Attn: Dr. Guillermo Bazan Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9510
If you are considering the Bazan Research Group please visit the UCSB Materials and Chemistry and Biochemistry websites:
Materials Department
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department